- General Land Use and Major Siting Permitting
- Environmental Remediation Project Permitting
- Air Emissions Modeling, Permitting and Compliance
- NPDES Permitting and Compliance Monitoring
- Underground Injection Control Permitting and Compliance
- Groundwater Well Permitting
- Monitoring Wells
- Production Wells
- Remedial Extraction Wells
- Injection Wells
- Local Government Permitting
- Notifications
- Work Plans
- Utilities Clearance
APEC provides local and federal permitting services for a variety of
project and facility needs. Through extensive experience, APEC has
established positive working relationships with environmental regulatory
agencies such as Guam Environmental Protection Agency, CNMI Division
of Environmental Quality, Palau Environmental Quality & Protection
Board, and the US Environmental Protection Agency. APEC understands
the complex permitting procedures and regulatory requirements of the
region, and provides the following permitting services:
Mobil Oil Corporation,
Guam, Saipan
IT Corporation, Guam
Sinclair Knight Merz,
Guam International
Airport Authority
Commonwealth Ports
Authority, CNMI
Utilities Corporation,
Tan Holdings
Corporation, Saipan
Rolls-Royce Power
Ventures, Inc. / PMIC,
EFC Engineers &
Architects Corp.
Law Offices
Property Owners
APEC GUAM P.O. Box 5091 Agana, Guam 96932 Phone: (671) 477-7310 Fax: (671) 477-7311 apecguam@guam.net
APEC CNMI PMB A-6 BOX 10001 Saipan, MP 96950 Phone: (670) 322-7709 Fax: (670) 322-7708 apeccnmi@pticom.com